Disney Infinity "Treasure Hunt" Chapter Book
Disney Infinity "Treasure Hunt" Chapter Book
Disney Infinity is an action-packed video game in which players can create their own worlds in the Toy Box, choosing from a mix of characters as wide-ranging as Jack Sparrow from Disney Pirates of the Caribbean to Mike from Disney*Pixar Monsters, Inc . to Anna from Disney Frozen . The world of Disney Infinity is filled with infinite possibilities--and endless fun! Boys and girls will love this Disney Infinity chapter book series, which combines action and humor in adventures that feature characters from the hit game!
- Title: Disney Infinity "Treasure Hunt"
- Author: Amy Weingartner, Rh Disney Staff
- Publisher: Random House Children's Books
- Publication Year: 2015
- Illustrated by: Laguna, Fabio, Rh Disney Staff
- Language: English
- Format: Digest Paperback
- Series: A Stepping Stone Book Ser.
- Number of Pages: 80
- Length: 7.6 in
- Width: 5.2 in
- Height: 0.2 in
- Weight: 3 oz