Disney/Pixar's Inside Out "Forget This" Chapter Book
Disney/Pixar's Inside Out "Forget This" Chapter Book
Disney/Pixar's Inside Out takes you to a place that everyone knows, but no one has ever seen: the world inside the human mind. This new chapter book based on the film lets the reader decide how the story will end.. Great for stimulating your child's imagination!! Perfect for girls and boys ages 6 and up!
- Title: Disney/Pixar's Inside Out "Forget This"
- Author: Tracey West
- Publisher: Random House Children's Books
- Publication Year: 2015
- Illustrated by: Rh Disney Staff
- Language: English
- Format: Paperback
- Series: A Stepping Stone Book (Tm) Ser.
- Number of Pages: 128
- Length: 7.9 in
- Width: 5.4 in
- Height: 0.5 in
- Weight: 8.6 oz